Soulution Massage Therapy
Our Therapists

I'd like to warmly welcome you to Soulution Massage Therapy. 

I am a Swedish Massage Therapist holding a VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Body Massage. I am passionate about wellbeing which I believe starts with wellness and physical health; a whole soul is not just within, the physical body also needs care.

Swedish Body massage is a relaxing treatment using various hand and palm techniques which aims to de-stress, release tension, decrease muscular toxins and improve circulation from the feet to the face and head. Swedish massage is particularly therapeutic for arthritis, oedema and sciatica as well as increased immune system and flexibility. Your individual needs are at the centre of each treatment. 

 Sessions usually last between 20-75 minutes depending on the treatment you require. Prices also vary, please see our price breakdown under 'Contact'. 

I look forward to meeting you, 

